The Basics of Network Forensics And How does It Help Combat With Cyber Attacks?


What is Network Forensics?

Network forensics is a subset of digital forensics that entails monitoring and analyzing computer network traffic for the purposes of obtaining information, legal evidence, cyber-crime investigation, managed threat detection.


When there are network breaches, data theft, or anomalous network behavior , Network Forensic Investigation is performed. Its primary goal is to identify and analyze network traffic that has been tampered with by hackers, such as a DDOS attack. In network forensics, event logs are commonly utilized to show timing. Investigators utilize this information to do adequate analysis. It's utilized as part of a wider digital forensic inquiry to assist putting together missing pieces and offer an overall picture to the investigator. By revealing the initial compromising technique and approach, it can aid in root-cause investigation.


Why is there a need for Network Forensics?

With the advancement of technology most businesses changed their networks to include high-speed computers and more devices. In the past, corporate networks consisted solely of computers. With the rise of smartphones and IoT devices, networks now support far more devices than they used to previously.


Today's threats are more subtle and sophisticated. Modern attacks are highly targeted, and attackers spend a significant amount of time attempting to avoid detection .In most circumstances, data exfiltration does not result in an alarm because it occurs in little amounts and is done in an encrypted manner .Forensics will find it considerably more difficult to detect and respond as a result of these realities.

In order to detect the type of network attack and track down the perpetrator, network forensics is required .To present the evidence gathered during the investigation in a court of law, a good investigative method is essential. Network forensics can help safeguard networks from both obvious and malevolent security attacks .It can help an organization investigate and mitigate data breaches that could cost them money, market credibility or both.


How can we help?

At WhiteLint Global, we conduct Cyber Crime Investigation and Internet Crime Investigation using cutting-edge tools and technologies to ensure that our clients receive the finest solutions in a timely and appropriate manner.
